
Gallery membership and representation
January 2017-current: Sync Gallery (member), 931 Santa Fe Drive, Denver CO 80204,
January 2017-2024: Spark Gallery (associate member), 900 Santa Fe Drive, Denver CO 80204,

Shows and exhibitions

January-February 2024: “This Moment” joint show with Kristy Smith, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
July-August 2023: Associates Group Show, Spark Gallery, Denver CO
April-May 2023: “Connect” joint show with Cheryl Jelm, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
December 2022-January 2023: “All In” group show, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
June 2022: “Re-Voir” show at Awake Bar & Coffee House, Denver, CO                                                                    January-February 2022: “Resilience” Associates show, Sync Gallery, Denver, CO
March-April 2021: “From Home” joint show with Chad Henry, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
June-July 2020: Associates group show, Spark Gallery, Denver CO
January-February 2020: “Messages” Associates show, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
December 2019-January 2020: “Compendium” group show, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
April-May 2019: Associates group show, Spark Gallery, Denver CO
February-March 2019: “Luminous” joint show with Liz Lautrup, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
August-October 2018: “Lies” group show (juried), Colorado Photographic Arts Center, Denver CO
May-June 2018: Associates group show, Spark Gallery, Denver CO
May-June 2018: “Open Question” joint show with Lydia Riegle, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
December 2017-January 2018: “Multiplicity” group show, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
September 2017: Louisville Art Association 32nd National Fine Art Show (juried), Louisville CO
August 2017: Depot Art Gallery 34rd Annual All Colorado Show (juried), Littleton CO
June-July 2017: Associates group show, Spark Gallery, Denver CO
February-March 2017: “Mindscapes” joint show with Jim Jones, Sync Gallery, Denver CO
September 2016: Louisville Art Association 31st National Fine Art Show (juried), Louisville CO
August 2016: Depot Art Gallery 33rd Annual All Colorado Show (juried), Littleton CO

Zen training & practice
1971 to 1981: Zen Center of Rochester (Philip Kapleau Roshi & Toni Packer)
1993 to current: Great Mountain Zen Center (Shishin Wick Roshi) with Inka in 2019
2000 to 2010: Zen Center of Denver (Danan Henry Roshi) with dharma transmission in 2010
2011-current: Spiritual Director Zen Center of Denver

Formal Education
1972 Rhode Island School of Design, BFA in film & painting
1981 Univ of Rochester School of Medicine, MD
1984 Duke-Watts Family Medicine Residency
2004 Teacher Training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction at U Mass
2011 Colo School of Public Health, MPH